1. 单词词组

单词 音标 含义
tight [taɪt] 牢固的;紧的;严格的;紧缩的(budget);快用完的(ingredients)
occupied [ˈɑːkjupaɪd] 忙碌的(Everyone is occupied.);
被占用的(The bathroom is occupied.)
被吸引的(The baby is occupied by the iPhone.)
assign [əˈsaɪn] 分配指派
A boss can assign tasks to the employees.
A boss can assign a day to have interviews.
hiccup [ˈhɪkʌp] n. 嗝;小问题;暂时性耽搁 v. 打嗝

2. 口语表达

单词 含义 例句
wrap up 结束(会议/工程/演讲等);结束去休息
1. Before we wrap up this meeting, I still have something to say.
2. I’m getting tired, let’s wrap it up.
bring me up to speed 告诉我最新情况 Sorry I missed the meeting. Can you bring me to speed?
fill sb. in on sth. 告诉最新情况 Sorry I missed the meeting. Can you fill me in on what happened?
behind schedule 进度落后 We are behind schedule. Can we change the date of the meeting?
ahead of schedule 进度超前 We are ahead of schedule
on schedule 进度刚好 We are on schedule
run into 遇到意料之外的事/人 1. We ran into some issue that made us behind schedule.
2. I ran into one of my old friend in China.
push back 延后(会议/DDL/假期等) Because of the bad weahter, we might need to push back the date of our travel.
make sth. deadline 按时完成 We should make the project deadline.
make it on time 按时完成 Let’s try our best to make it on time.
make it to (a place/event) 去不了 I can’t make it to your party.